About MFW
Hi, we are Mad For Word (MFW). MFW is a platform where we write and discuss about educational, finance and curent affairs topics. We also write about the issues which affects us on daily basis. MFW is a blog about how different people feel, think or react in different situations or scenario. It could be love, hatred, anger or any other feeling. Sometimes words do the magic, they have the power to heal and sometimes it is just opposite of that. MFW does not preach, advice, instruct, counsel, or lectures , it expresses the feelings of author(s), what they feel and how it is similar to our lives. Every human, whether you accept it or not, lives two lives one for other and one for themselves and nothing wrong in that. It is hard to make people understand what you are feeling or going through. We all have felt at some point of time that nobody is getting what we are saying. We wish we could make more effort to understand each other. We don’t claim you will learn anything from our experiences but you may feel something. Please do spread the words about MFW on your social profiles with your family and friends.