KAR TET result 2018 declared

The Centralised Admission Cell or in short CAC has announced the result for Karnataka Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) 2018. The result is available on the schooleducation.kar.nic.in (their official website). The exam was conducted last month in February 2019.

To qualify the exams students must have at least 60% marks which means candidates should have 90 marks out of 150. Having said that for SC/ST/C-1 and differently abled persons cut off limit is 55 %. Those who qualify will be awarded a KARTET certificate which will be valid for seven years from the date of declaration of result.

Follow below steps to download KAR TET result 2018:

Step 1: Visit schooleducation.kar.nic.in
Step 2: Click on the link KAR TET 2018 or simply click here
Step 3: You will be redirected to a new page looking like this.

Step 4: Enter your application number and date of birth
Step 5: Click Submit button and your result will appear

All candidates please make sure you download and print out of their result, OMR sheet for future reference. As per the official notification, you can also have a duplicate copy of KARTET certificate in case original is lost or you do not have it for any reason. For that you simply have to pay pay Rs 1000 using Demand Draft (DD) in favour of “SPECIAL OFFICER, CAC, BANGALORE” payable at Bangalore.


All the very best to all the aspirants and the future Karnataka’s teacher.

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