Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) PGT Hall Ticket has been released The PGT Examinations will be conducted as per the schedule:-

17th Feb- PGT (Hindi), PGT (Physics), PGT (Commerce)

18th Feb- PGT(Chemistry),PGT(History), PGT(Maths), and PGT(Geography)

20th Feb- PGT(Bio) and PGT (BioTech)

Candidates can check their city from the Post Graduate Teacher City display link

Candidates Can Download Their Admit Cards From The Link Given Below.

Direct Link To Download  KVS PGT Admit Card 2023 

Steps To Download Admit Card  KVS PGT 2023

  1. Visit the official website
  2. Click on the admit card Link
  3. A new window will open, enter your credentials
  4. Click submit
  5. Your Admit card/ Hall ticket will appear on your screen
  6. Download and print the admit card for future use

By Aakriti

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