Rahul Gandhi Rahul Gandhi Archives - Mad For Word
Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi

Modi 3.0 is about to begin. Narendra Modi Oath Ceremony today at 6 PM, 9th June 2024. Check here the probale list Modi’s Union Ministers.

  Narendra Modi, the man, the myth, the legend, once thought to be invincible, has shown vulnerability at times and…

4 months ago

Is BJP Nervous? BJP Turned 39 Yesterday Getting Stiff Competition From Congress In Upcoming General Election 2019!

Bhartiya Janta Party who turned 39 yesterday celebrated their foundation day with joy but on the very same day their…

6 years ago

3 Reasons Why PM Modi Needs 272 Seats More Than BJP In This Upcoming General Election!

Since the day election dates were announced a race across all political parties in India has been started, I like…

6 years ago